If the term ‘life hack’ is new to you, it won’t be for long.
Life hack, or ‘life hacking’ is any productivity trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method to increase productivity and efficiency, in all walks of life; in other words, anything that solves an everyday problem in a clever or non-obvious way.
I love helping people figure stuff out. And I’m equally happy when people help me figure stuff out. Sometimes a solution is so obvious, we miss it. If we had some amazing life hacks fed to us every so often, it may help us save some time, save some money, save that sharp plastic packaging from slicing your finger open, yes, you get the idea.
There are amazing life hacks everywhere. There are websites dedicated to the very term. The other day I saw perhaps the one life hack that would have saved me ridiculous amounts of time each time a tore down and set up my computers and desks in my new home.
Have you ever tried to fasten a power strip to a wall with screws? Take a while to trouble shoot the exact distance between the two screws? Wiggly power strip? Yeah, me too.
This gem was compliments of LifeHacker.com, a site you must check out if you’re into things that will make your life easier and better in the long run.
Since we’re on the topic, here are 20 more life hacks that may just have you slapping your head in disbelief, and relief. Enjoy.
20 amazing life hacks you never knew
I have a ton of cords. This would have been a good idea 10 years ago. Blech.
I go to the grocery store because I need things. I come home and realize I forgot things. Problem solved.
No joke, just YESTERDAY I tried to find the edge of some shipping tape and sat and looked at that dumb roll for a good two minutes. I almost threw it away and started over. It was hiding on the bump in the tape you think it’s never on. Sigh.
A bit early 2000s, but you know you still have the spindle cases laying around. This is good for keeping sandwich ingredients intact. Boom store.
Growing up in Minnesota, I’m disgusted I never knew this. When did you go on a lake, river or beach and not bring Doritos?! I could kill a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos just for not knowing this.
WINNER. This I will use and never stop using. Damn those memory card packages and my victimless, slaughtered fingers.
Bravo. Enough said. I feel so manly when my girlfriend asks me to do this, only to grimace like a Sally during the pain it takes to accomplish.
I mean, really!? Perfect for our apartment-living challenges.
Did YOU KNOW THIS? Don’t lie. Wicked smaahhht.
I’m not huge on iced coffee, but I know watered down when I have it. Good call.
This works. I did a Vine video on this exact solution. I deleted it. And shouldn’t have. IDIOT.
To this day I still reach on the floor for the escaping power cord plugs.
Genius. Just remember who to get the to special character on all devices.
What, you don’t like your circulation at the end of your wrist to cut of and force your hand to fall off? No it’s not easier to grab a cart or Publix bags. I WILL. GET. THESE. GROCERIES. TO. MY. APARTMENOWWWW! I love this idea.
Bravo again. Who doesn’t like punching the bag to the bottom like a boxer?
The end of the soap DOES serve a purpose!
If they only had iPhones with cameras in the 90s when I lent out all my Nintendo 8bit games. I did have a Excel document checkout system. That failed miserably. Where those games are is anyone’s guess. #Fail
I don’t wear the Apple ear buds because my ears are big. But if I did, this would be in effect.
This works. This has been tested by yours truly. Proof HERE.
Delicious idea. Now I’m hungry. I hope you enjoyed this post of life hacks. There are much more to come. Comment below about your favorite life hacks I can post next time.
Source: FaveMy
Man Image: Beliefs of the Heart
[…] 20 amazing life hacks you never knew, Josh Benson […]
Great ideas, Josh.