I feel like I’ve been transported 20 years back in time.
August in Minnesota was always hot and humid. You could sense fall was right around the corner as pro baseball entered it’s final stretch and promos for football flooded the airwaves. It was a time to gets some new ‘duds’ while hitting the back-to-school sales at the malls. It was a time to get rid of the scraggly, summer-long hair with that overdue haircut. School was about to start and I wanted to be ready!
This year is much of the same. But I’m much older. I’m not catching the bus, but I did get a few new suits recently. I got that much-needed haircut. And I shaved for the first time in long time. And it’s not the annual stretch of muggy days in Minnesota, but the permanent, humid climate and sunny days of South Florida that I’m acclimating to now that I’ve moved to Miami. I’ll be starting at WFOR-TV (CBS Miami) tomorrow. I’ll be morning and noon anchor starting next Monday. That same exciting, anxious and nervous feeling of going ‘back to school’ is starting to set in.

I have already met a few of my co-workers, bosses and a few new friends. My girlfriend and I have been working hard to get settled in. Our place is all set up after a week of very hard work attempting to make it perfect. We’ve dined at a few local establishments. We’ve made a few mistakes and have been honked at a few times (not in the good way). I’ve attempted to pronounce a few names that look pretty challenging and plan to seek the advice of my co-workers to confirm if I’m even close. It’s all the part of the process in a new city. But boy, it’s fun.
So with that, I’ll be joining the other 400,000 ‘kids’ heading back to school tomorrow. This week should be okay since I start at 9:00am to do some rehearsals and get the feel of the my new home at CBS. But next week, the alarm chimes at 2:30AM. And to think I had it rough getting up for school at 6:30am back in the day!
I’m happy to have such a great job and the opportunity to work for a station that’s excited to have me. So tune in if you’re in the area and we’ll get you caught up with what you need to know before you head out the door to work, school or wherever else life takes you bright and early!
2:30 am WOW that is an early start to the day! I hope you have a great first week Josh…they are lucky to have you!