Well, tomorrow I’m at two weeks blogging every day. I must say, it’s much more difficult than when I made the prediction I could blog every day of 2020. Well, that failed on March 23rd – a few days before our daughter was born. This year, I don’t have any excuses.

My goal continues to blog every day of 2021. We’ll see if I can do it.
I have somehow managed to get even busier – which I didn’t think was humanly possible. But there’s something about blogging everyday that is quietly rewarding. It’s similar to the small satisfaction of checking items off your list. It also help adds content to my growing website. And it’s also a living, breathing diary of my life and it’s fun to look back in.
Like when we were still using stacks of paper scripts during newscasts. We all use iPads now. This was when the tide was turning more than a decade ago.
Or when I used to post angry emails from viewers like this guy who was made we didn’t predict the rain falling on his $85,000 car. Loser.
Or when I wrote about one of the most popular commercials on TV with the Hoveround guy! He actually reached out to me and applauded the post. Sadly, he passed away, but his dynamite performance will live on forever.
So many good memories and so many more to write about. A lot of people unsubscribe from this blog but some of you stick with me. So to those still here, thanks for stayin’ and playin’. ????