Exhale. We made it. As much as I love Christmas, I love saying goodbye to the holiday. As I mentioned yesterday, we didn’t have much for plans today. The only thing on the schedule was to put an end to Christmas. That meant going to storage, getting the bins, packing them and the tree and going back to storage. Once that is done, Christmas is officially over.
My wife loves Christmas. It’s evident because she has 5 full-size bins full of decorations. We also have a 9 ft. tree as the mainstay, two small trees in our entry, a white tree in Bella’s room and the same white tree in Brooklyn’s room. That’s 5 bins and 5 trees. It’s aggressive.

We got started packing everything up and cleaning the house about 1:00 p.m. We wrapped at 10:00 p.m. NINE HOURS to clean up the season. As I mentioned, aggressive. The best part is our annual tradition of dancing to Frank Sinatra’s rendition of the Christmas Waltz on the spot where the tree was. we’ve done it every year since we met. But now it’s an awkward 4-person dance and absolutely comical.
Isn’t it amazing how naked the house feels after Christmas decorations are gone? Every year it hits me. But I’m totally fine starting each new year with a minimalistic mentality. Plus, we even threw away the old tree we used to keep in our bedroom because it was so ratty. I felt like I won a big battle there.
But Christmas was fun, despite the pandemic. The girls were happy with their gifts, our families were healthy and happy. That’s all you can ask for. Here’s to a happy and healthy (and minimalistic) 2021.