Urgh. We went out for Tara’s friends pre-wedding party last night. Dinner was way late, so therefore, the night was way late. Late nights usually mean some ‘adult beverages’ and that leads to headaches…which leads to ‘the last thing you want to do is work out’.
It’s not recommended that you drink while on P90X. Well, I get that. Some people don’t drink at all – so they never have this problem. I still believe you can drink and eat well as long as you don’t overdo it. Of course, its much easier said than done.
So believing in this sage advice, I felt no matter how I felt, I must work out. Kenpo X is a karate-based workout. You throw kicks, punches, etc. etc. Perfect for a hangover (that’s sarcasm, people).
So again, another weak workout – but I got some in. SOME, not all. But I’m chalking it up to a win since I brought it when the last thing on earth I wanted to do was throw a kick or a punch.
With this small success, I’ve completed week 3 – and feel damn good about it. Monday is a new week, RECOVERY WEEK based on the program. Lots of cardio, stretching and ab workouts. That’s perfect because I’m heading to a wedding late this weekend and I won’t need to figure out weights or pull up bars.
Going to step it up this next week. Glad this one is OVER. Later.