ONE WEEK DONE! Ah, it feels good. It was a tough week, a busy week…but I made it. Tonight I had the most energy of any day of the week. I didn’t work out until 7:00 p.m. – but it felt great despite working on website graphic mockups all day (I know, nice life). But I got it done. So I have one week in the can.
Looking back, Wednesday was the worst. No energy and barely made it through. I chalk that up to not as many carbs in the diet, and my body wondering what the hell I was doing to it. This week should be much better. I brought it about 1/2 speed this week, so we’ll step it up next week and start seeing some progress.
I’m going to set Mondays as ‘weigh in’ day for fun. I really don’t care much about the scale or how much I weigh, I just want the flab to GO AWAY. Tighten everything up and start getting healthier. But for the sake of analytics, I’ll weigh-in on Mondays.