Have you ever typed in a website address only to find it’s gone, or it redirects to another website? Maybe you used to own a site and want to take a trip down memory lane. Maybe you just need to find some crucial information to save the world. That’s when you use Wayback Machine. That’s how to find old websites that no longer exist.
Wayback Machine is an impressive collection of more than 455 billion web pages and it’s growing daily. You can’t expect every website to show up, but if you can recall the site being online in the mid-1990s and beyond, you’ll like be in luck.
You can really go down the rabbit hole when you go to this site. It is quite the trip down memory lane.
Remember TheFacebook.com from 2004?
How about doing those deep searches on AltaVista.com?
I even checked in on JoshBenson.com from October of 2011. Unreal. Clean site, might I add.
I even went back to check the first iteration of our college band’s Porch Magic’s website from 2001. I didn’t even remember this version of the site. Unreal! By the way, old files from our ‘revamped’ website resurfaced on my computer not long ago. I re-purchased the domain and uploaded the files to have a permanent memorial of the good old band days at PorchMagic.com

But whatever it is you’re looking for online and can’t seem to find, give Wayback Machine a try. And don’t blame me when you start wasting hours in the rabbit hole looking at your old online hangouts from yesteryear.
Hi Josh, I’m Ronald Hudson, I am a Mason and a Shriner. I was the Webmaster who created the site for my temple. I found you is this portal while looking and working to know what to do. To find an old Web site, totally lost at what to do,
AEAONMS, “SHAPAR TEMPLE #117, located in Fresno, CA.” It’s has been since 2008-09 that I remember working on and in it. I have been working to find a way to recover or start a new with building a site for my Temple.