Remember when Facebook would tinker and roll out new features whether you liked them or not? Well, it’s happening again and this time the question many will ask is where is my Facebook Like button?
Facebook announced a few days ago that they’re changing Pages (not standard profiles if you have just a normal Facebook profile). If you don’t know the difference, you sign up for a profile and you use that profile to create a page. Here is my profile, here is my page. While my like button hasn’t disappeared just yet, it will soon.

The new ‘page’ changes will include new look-and-feel, updated navigation, a dedicated News Feed, a new question and answer format and other tools and insights. But the big headline is that they are doing away with the ‘Like’ button and focusing on the ‘Followers’ instead.
Facebook plans to roll out these changes in the coming months.
Where is my Facebook Like button?
Facebook believes likes were misrepresenting a Page’s true popularity. They say:
We are removing Likes and focusing on Followers to simplify the way people connect with their favorite Pages. Unlike Likes, Followers of a Page represent the people who can receive updates from Pages, which helps give public figures a stronger indication of their fan base.
Another change is that Pages will get their own News Feed. That means the Page itself can participate in conversations as the public figure or the brand, follow trends and interact with their fans.
When you follow a Page, you’ll see their comments on others’ posts bumped up to the top of the comments section, giving them better visibility, alongside a more visible blue-check that indicates the Page is verified. The posts they’ve commented on may also be more visible in users’ News Feeds, too.
Other people will be able to follow Pages directly from the comments and recommendations posts, Facebook says.
I see some changes occurring on my own page, but not all. Again, Facebook says it’s rolling out changes over the next few months, so I will report back when these changes happen and I have some time to mess around with them.
If you haven’t already, I’d love if you’d now FOLLOW my page (:
Liking is great and all, but not for long. ????