When I was a kid, I used the family ‘camcorder’ (as they were called) to tape movies of Lego characters playing out a scene across movie sets I built with plywood, cardboard, flowing rivers with garden hoses and anything else I could think up. When I’d dig dirt for the sets, I happened to find an old dump site from the early 1900s.
One summer I spent my summer vacation extracting old glass medicine bottles, porcelain doll heads, smashed up plates, steel designs from cook stoves and snuff jars. It was pretty exciting pulling these treasures from the ground. So you can understand how excited I became when I found Discovery’s “Gold Rush: Alaska” series. I was in love.
It’s a great show. A bunch of down-on-their-luck Oregonians head to Alaska to find gold. That’s it. But nothing goes well. The show is about all the problems they face while they build their ‘wash plan’ to find the gold in the Alaska soil.

The characters couldn’t be any better even if they were cast from actors. Todd is the boss. He’s got over $200G sunken into the plan. His dad Jack is the wise one who utters some of the best lines from the show. Harness is the brains of the operation who can fix anything – and the other guys round out a pretty solid and interesting crew.
If you haven’t seen an episode, do yourself a favor and check it out. The season finale is on Friday. Will they find the mother load? I sure hope they do – they’ve been through hell and back.
And I’d like to see Season 2!