Here come the new domain names
There is a major load of top-level domain names (TLDs) about two be dropped on the World Wide Web. You know about .com, .net and org. Yes, there’s .edu and .gov examples as well.
But in the next two years more than 1,400 new top-level domains will come online. It’s about to get crazy. Some examples? .ninja, .web, .inc, .church, .toys, .wine, .nyc, .mom…the list goes on with hundreds more.
Most of you know that a domain is simply a unique address for the Internet. JoshBenson.com is a domain. Domains are just like addresses of restaurants, businesses and homes, except they are words separated by dots.
Before we talk about what’s coming, lets revisit what domains are currently. WhatDomain.com sums up domains quite nicely:
Top Level Domains: The Neighborhoods
Top-level domains are like neighborhoods in the real world; some have rules defining what is allowed in the neighborhood, while others don’t. For example, .edu is for US post-secondary educational websites only, while on .com pretty much anything goes.
Top-level domains (TLD), define entire categories of websites. The most common ones are quite familiar to everyone who uses the web:
Second Level Domains: the Buildings
Second-level domains are like the buildings in a neighborhood. They’re the website addresses that people, businesses, and organizations can register and own.
Subdomains: The Rooms in the Buildings
Subdomains are like the rooms, spaces, and facilities in a building, representing specific uses or resources.
If you own a second-level domain, you set up and control all of that domain’s subdomains.
[symple_divider style=”solid” margin_top=”20px” margin_bottom=”20px”]The domains you’re used to
These top-level domains were the original players. You have heard of all of these and perhaps you own some.
.com – This domain is reserved for commercial sites.
.info – This domain was for informational sites, now it’s unrestricted (and super cheap to buy!).
.net – This domain was for Internet infrastructure sites.
.org – This domain is for everything else, and you’ve seen them for a lot of non-profits, etc.
Domains currently available that you may have seen/heard of
.aero – The air transport industry.
.asia – Companies, organizations and individuals in the Asia-Pacific region.
.biz – For business use.
.cat – Catalan language/culture.
.coop – Cooperatives.
.edu – U.S. post-secondary educational establishments.
.gov – U.S. federal, state and local government entities.
.int – International organizations established by treaty.
.jobs – Posting job listings.
.mil – U.S. military.
.mobi – Sites catering to mobile devices.
.museum – Museums.
.name – Families or individuals.
.pro – Business use by qualified professionals.
.post – Post offices and related organizations.
.tel – Online services involving telephone networks.
.travel – The travel industry.
.xxx – Adult content.
Domains for country codes
Some country code top-level domains are restricted to individuals and organizations located in that country, like websites on .ca for Canada and .de for Deutschland (Germany). Other country code domains are open and are used for everything from representing types of content (.tv, the country code for Tuvalu, is commonly used for video sites), to clever ways to make the domain spell a word (in the website pho.to the .to domain is the country code for Tonga).
A common screwup: Have you ever been in a hurry and typed in Google.cm and accidentally forgot the "o" in .com? Try it once and see where it directs you. That's a country code domain.
Internationalized country code domains
Some country code domains can appear in the native script of that country, like .ไทย and .ලංකා.
So what are the new domain names about?
Open Neighborhoods. Some new top-level domains will invite anyone to register a domain for any purpose. Need a laugh or want to spread some laughter? Visit a .lol website, or set up your own. Interested in motherhood? .mom is there for you. There will be hundreds of others.
Internationalized Neighborhoods. Why let the Roman alphabet have all the fun? This new domain era will see the first top-level domains in numerous other languages and there will be a موقع. for .みんな in the .世界. The World Wide Web is about to start living up to its name.
Geographic Neighborhoods. We’ve discussed country code domains like .ca or .de. We’ll soon be able to get even more specific with domains related to a specific geography such as a city (visit.boston) or region (wine.aquitaine).
Specialized Neighborhoods. Some of the new top-level domains are intended for websites created by members of specific professions, communities, or interests. Looking for a lawyer? A website ending in .esq will signify a certified legal professional. Similarly, .ngo will be reserved for non-governmental organizations’ websites, and .catholic and .shia for sites representing those religious communities.
Gated Neighborhoods. Numerous companies have applied for closed top-level domains and will have complete control over what websites to make available on them. These are usually recognized brand names, like .montblanc or .gucci. When you visit a website on a closed top-level domain, you can be certain that it’s authorized and overseen by that brand.
[symple_divider style=”solid” margin_top=”20px” margin_bottom=”20px”]These domains have already started rolling out and will continue to 2015. If you would like to stay updated on these domains, sign up for my newsletter below and follow the stories I post about them. If you’d like information on how to get in line to purchase a domain you’re interested, I can help you with that as well. Contact me here and let me know what you’re looking for. Enjoy the new World Wide Web!
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Source: WhatDomain
Oh man, can I have a .ninja domain name!!!! http://www.dirkstrauss.ninja! LOL! Love it!
dirkstrauss.isa.ninja. I like the subdomain better. isa.ninja is available! Haha.