Just returned from Mexico a few days ago. It was amazing. Went to Riviera Maya and stayed at the Occidental Grand Xcaret with my girlfriend (blog entry to come soon). But this post is about US Airways.
We flew from Tucson to Phoenix then on to Cancun. It was a very nice flight there. Home, much of the same, although we had a delayed flight in Phoenix before coming back to Tucson.
In Cancun – the hotel makes sure you get to the airport three hours before your flight. Since we were an hour away, we were up at 5:30am on Sunday to catch our 9:30 flight. LONG wait. They want you to spend money at the airport, I’m assuming. When we got there, the USAirways ticket counter wasn’t due to open for another hour. So sit and wait. Blah.
I checked my bag. Ali checked one as well. I usually don’t – cause I like to pack light while flying, but I paid the $20 PER bag to check it.
We finally made it home to Tucson in an awful rush, because the Vikings were playing the Saints to go to the Super Bowl. I went into my bedroom and started rifling through my bag to wash clothes. And that’s when I noticed….
Someone in baggage had rifled through my bag and stole my Canon Rebel camera with my telephoto lens AND my toiletry bag full of my stuff.
Fast forward a few days. I filed a complaint at the USAirways office at TIA. The woman was nice and gave me a few forms to fill out. Thus begins my long, dreaded journey to the top of USAirways to try to get some satisfaction after I was VIOLATED!
It’s funny. Pay $20 a bag…let them steal your stuff. Brilliant.
Do the right thing, US Airways. I’ll be checking in soon…but NEVER checking anything valuable on an airline as long as I live. Lesson learned.
Oh, and the Vikings lost. Skol.