We’ll have a new member of the family in a few days (12 to be exact). And I’m happy to say her black, white and pink nursery is ready to go. We generally like to take things down to the wire around here, so 12 days to spare is pretty good in my book.
It starts with a vision
The vision was created from my wife Tara. For months she talked about ‘a black wall’ and ‘a pink sign’ and this gold and that gold. I just saw dollar signs, but I digress. With some savvy shopping, things weren’t as expensive as they could have been.
You want a black wall?
I was reluctant when I heard about this ‘black wall’. But while she’s focusing on the vision, I had to focus on delivering. What kind of paint, how many anchors, how the heck was I to build the closet, how are we going to hide the cord for the neon (fake neon) sign? These tasks fell on my shoulders. This was going to be a black, white and pink nursery and there were a lot of logistics.
The gallery
And it took time. I don’t know if its the fact we’re older, or just busier. Or maybe it’s because it’s our second child so we don’t hang on each task so long and pick it apart as much. But this felt like it took awhile to complete. But boy, I have to hand it to Tara, I think it looks great. A glam nursery indeed. And it seems to flow and tie in together nicely.
A great place to chill out
Matter of fact, I was just telling Tara if she wants to de-stress a bit (from the non-stop coronavirus coverage), to go in and turn on the light and rock in the chair. The nursery is totally spotless, clean and has that new car smell to it. Of course, it won’t stay that way for long. I told her to enjoy the moment.

We sit and wonder what the state of delivery day holds for us in a hospital. The hospital is likely to become the most popular place in modern history in the coming weeks and months.
I’m happy that we are able to stay home and decompress.
We’ll be ready for Baby #2.
can i have the source that you used for your led light and ceiling light. You did an amazing job, trying to get some motivation for my nursery.