Today it was back to work for me. Having a few days off helped the soul like nothing else. Last week seriously felt like we worked an entire month. It was extremely draining and felt like it would never end. Updates were coming in by literally the minute. It was a lot to process.
This week, we’re getting a better idea of what’s happening – and it’ isn’t good. The Olympics finally came out and had to say they’re postponing the games. Never a good sign when several countries start saying they’re not going to show due to fear of their health. The postponement wasn’t a surprise.
The fact we’re running out of medical supplies in parts of the country is not reassuring.
On the bright side, a few great things happened today:
- My wife orders our groceries through Instacart. And believe it or not, we’ve gotten deliveries every day. Today we got garlic (yes, exciting). She said it’s been tough to get. And a big fat jar at that.
- She also reported to me that a shipment of paper towels from Amazon has been shipped! To live in 2020. What an amazing time!
- Bella had her first Zoom conference with her classmates. It was a lovely moment to watch her see and talk with her friends who she misses dearly.
- I started working out. Nothing crazy, but I can feel my body and mind breaking down. It’s mandatory to start taking care of myself.
So that’s the latest for today. It truly feels like we’re living in a movie and EVERYONE is playing a role. Literally and figuratively.
Stay safe, stay home and stay the course. This will blow over eventually.