Well, hello there. Talk about being derailed. Since I left you, the world essentially stopped moving, people have been holed up in their homes, we had a baby and life just seemed to get wickedly strange. Now it’s like we’re coming out of the cellar after the tornado blew through to see what is left. Adjusting our eyes as we emerge from the basements…it’s a bizarre feeling...
Olympics are postponed and other coronavirus updates
Today it was back to work for me. Having a few days off helped the soul like nothing else. Last week seriously felt like we worked an entire month. It was extremely draining and felt like it would never end. Updates were coming in by literally the minute. It was a lot to process. This week, we’re getting a better idea of what’s happening – and it’ isn’t good. The...
Stuck inside and feeling it
Boy, this thing just started and I’m starting to feel it. It’s great to have a weekend off, but I’m staring down paternity leave in a few days and I know there will be little to no sleep and a LOT of sitting around and making-do. I actually excel in that scenario. I have endless projects and work to keep me busy (Shameless Plug: Check out my pandemic project Concert Corona...
Artists performing at home: Concert Corona
We are living in unprecedented times. Never before – at least in my lifetime – have we all been limited to going out, being around each other and living our normal lives…for days on end. Musicians are included. Therefore, we’re seeing a lot of artists performing at home. This is a great concept and very cathartic for people. I wanted to create a place to showcase all of...
It’s official: Tom Brady is headed to Tampa
Wow, I have to admit, I had my suspicions that this likely wouldn’t happen. But it appears the G.O.A.T. is headed to the Bay Area. Yes, it’s official and Tom Brady is headed to Tampa. It’s easy to see why this took some time. Players have to have physicals with doctors. Contracts need to be signed. Not easy tasks when you have a global pandemic on your hands. But while I bleed...
Tom Brady to Tampa Bay feels familiar
We have been in a spin-cycle of news. Never has it been so busy. Literally, I will check my phone and there will be authentic, reportable material we could air almost by the second. That never happens. And then you tell me Tom Brady is heading to Tampa Bay. What is happening? On a football front (sans coronavirus), I remember this feeling from somewhere else. That somewhere else was Minnesota...
Free courses for kids while they’re stuck home from coronavirus
Getting to stay home from school is awesome. For a day or two. Once you find yourself stuck home from school for weeks on end thanks to a global pandemic, it just isn’t as cool anymore as a student. For parents? We already know how you feel. The good news is there are free courses for kids while they’re stuck home from coronavirus. They can learn, you can keep you sanity and everyone...
The black, white and pink nursery is done
We’ll have a new member of the family in a few days (12 to be exact). And I’m happy to say her black, white and pink nursery is ready to go. We generally like to take things down to the wire around here, so 12 days to spare is pretty good in my book. It starts with a vision The vision was created from my wife Tara. For months she talked about ‘a black wall’ and ‘a...
We’re having a baby during a global pandemic
Ah, what a time to be alive. Even crazier, is the thought of bringing a baby into a world that is completely terrified, confused, frustrated and alarmed. It’s not what I had envisioned during the last few years of trying to get to this finish line, but alas, here we are. Welcome to the world, Brooklyn! All of this can be yours! Our daughter will be born two weeks from yesterday barring any...
Loom just discounted their prices and made platform FREE for teachers
Coronavirus is forcing thousands to telecommute. We’re already seeing major companies ask people to work from home when and if they can. Terms like ‘social-distancing’ are making their way into the vernacular. So how do you get work done from your desk at home? I use a lot of tools, but this Loom is quick and easy (and now free and/or with no limits for users). Loom is a very...